Close your eyes and let the fantasy of a charming mature woman with dark hair, pleasant voice, elegant manners, female sensuality and a worked-out body carry you away… Now open your eyes and take a look at Vlasta, a forty one year old from Prague with eyes like huge beautiful mirrors. What a looker! What do you think? The white couch interview was very interesting. Mostly when she revealed to us she just entered a hellish merry-go-round, circling around sex, lies and debts. Her hard financial situation made Vlasta try to convert her bodily advantages into hard cash a few days ago and she entered the erotica industry. She’s been keeping the truth from her husband, children and mother-in-law since then and keeps telling lies about her activities during the day. She immediately agreed to fuck in front of the camera for five hundred Crowns. Our cameraman happily prepared his family jewels, because he’s never had such a luxurious missus during a CzechCasting episode yet.
19 year old Amy is here today to get fucked in her ass for the first time... she just doesn't know yet. You know the drill, she's here to interview for an adult modeling job. She's Puerto Rican, she's petite, and she'...
Have you ever heard the saying two is better than one? It's not ALWAYS applicable, for instance two years in prison is NEVER better than one... unless you're into that kind of thing. But in the case of this couch, two...
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